PowerShell – Environment variables

When working with PowerShell I’m searching for the same variables over and over again. Every time when I found them again I think the same “Oh yeah, I knew that!”. To minimize my search next time I thought about writing it down.

First question, how do I use these variables? This is pretty straightforward.


Second question, which environment variables can I use? Use the following cmdlet:

Get-Item Env: | sort Name

Name                           Value                                                                                      
----                           -----                                                                                      
COMPUTERNAME                   <computername>                                                                              
HOMEPATH                       Userssa-sp2010-Install                                                                   
LOCALAPPDATA                   C:Userssa-sp2010-InstallAppDataLocal                                                   
PSModulePath                   D:SPInstallSPModule;D:SPInstallSPModule;C:Userssa-sp2010-InstallDocumentsWindows...
PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE         AMD64                                                                                      
CommonProgramW6432             C:Program FilesCommon Files                                                              
CommonProgramFiles(x86)        C:Program Files (x86)Common Files                                                        
ProgramFiles(x86)              C:Program Files (x86)                                                                     
PROCESSOR_LEVEL                6                                                                                          
windows_tracing_flags          3                                                                                          
USERNAME                       sa-sp2010-Install                                                                          
HOMEDRIVE                      C:                                                                                         
USERPROFILE                    C:Userssa-sp2010-Install                                                                 
SystemRoot                     C:Windows                                                                                 
TEMP                           C:UsersSA-SP2~1AppDataLocalTemp                                                       
PUBLIC                         C:UsersPublic                                                                            
ALLUSERSPROFILE                C:ProgramData                                                                             
APPDATA                        C:Userssa-sp2010-InstallAppDataRoaming                                                 
ProgramData                    C:ProgramData                                                                             
PATHEXT                        .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC                                      
OS                             Windows_NT                                                                                 
CommonProgramFiles             C:Program FilesCommon Files                                                              
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER           Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel                                        
ComSpec                        C:Windowssystem32cmd.exe                                                                
SystemDrive                    C:                                                                                         
PROCESSOR_REVISION             170a                                                                                       
ProgramFiles                   C:Program Files                                                                           
NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS           2                                                                                          
windows_tracing_logfile        C:BVTBinTestsinstallpackagecsilogfile.log                                              
TMP                            C:UsersSA-SP2~1AppDataLocalTemp                                                       
ProgramW6432                   C:Program Files                                                                           
Path                           C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPower...
USERDOMAIN                     <DOMAIN>                                                                                      
VS100COMNTOOLS                 C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0Common7Tools                         
windir                         C:Windows

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